Runes of Magic Wiki
Ravenfell (Quest Series)
Starting ZoneRavenfell
Recc. Levels46 to 50
Previous Dust Devil Canyon
Next Weeping Coast
See alsoQuest Series
The Elven Prophecy

This page refers to content introduced in the expansion, Chapter II: The Elven Prophecy.

There are several interesting stories in this zone, most of which intersect in at least one place.

To help with all this I am trying to work out a Ravenfell Historical Timeline.

Quest Titles[ | ]

Obtain all the above titles in Ravenfell: King of Ravenfell [new]

Primary Quest Line[ | ]

The Primary Quest Line in this zone starts at Nameless Port, of course, and then branches into a few special story-bound Quest Chains.

  1. Nameless Port: KimoranUbameLaburDegun
    1. [46] The Nameless Port's History
    2. [46] Organize Peace
    3. [46] If The Road Won't Turn, Change Your Path
    4. [46] Tarnished Silver Necklace
    5. [46] Last Wish
  2. Calamus Manor: Marlow RhodesAnna Zilly
    1. The Cost of Honor.

Daily Quests[ | ]

Daily Quests Reference for Ravenfell
Mob(ject)s Area Need Min
Quest Name XP/
Port Robber
Port Rascal
Port Bandit
Nameless Port Kill 6 of each 45 If The Road Won't Turn, Change Your Path 41,888
Smelly Dirt Abandoned Fortress
Sand Scorpion Plains
Ic Fat Worm x10 45 Is it so Tasty? 41,888
Wasteland Hyena Nameless Port Ic Wasteland Hyena Bone x10 45 Folk Medicine Prescription 41,888
Wave Flower Nameless Port Ic Wave Flower x10 45 Silent Concern 41,888
Four Winged Vulture Ic Vulture Stomach x10 46 Equipment Cleaner 44,207
Deadland Sand Scorpion
Mutated Sand Scorpion
Sand Scorpion Plains Ic Complete Sand Scorpion Shell x10 46 Hard on the Outside, Soft on the Inside 44,207
Shadowmoon Pirates Shadowmoon Cove Ic Things Stolen by Pirates x10 46 Steal Anything 44,207
Deadland Lizard Sand Scorpion Plains Ic Lizard's Vocal Sac x10 46 Peculiar Eating Habits 44,207
Stampeding Scealok
Tsunami Scealok
Sailors' Graveyard
Shackle Coast
Ic Scealok's Sticky Skin Secretion x10 46 Cosmetic Materials 44,207
Fierce Pirate Revenant Throne of the Wind Kill 10 46 They Deserve It 44,207
Wasteland Skipper Throne of the Wind Ic Soul Dust of a Skipper x5
Ic Essence of Wasteland Skipper x5
47 Ailic's Community 46,498
Haystack Shackle Coast Ic Straw Collected by Chelons x5 47 Pirate Superstition 46,498
Wind Elemental Throne of the Wind Ic Power of Pure Wind x5 47 Powerless 46,498
Earth Shell Crab Storm Pass to Wing Lake Ic Spawn of Earth Shell Crab x10 47 Unforgettably Delicious 79,832

Nameless Port[ | ]

This is the beginning of the Primary Quest Line for this zone.
The Nameless Port quest chain: KimoranUbameLaburDegun

  1. [46] The Nameless Port's History - Learn more about Nameless Port.
  2. [46] Inspect the Nameless Port - Investigate the ruins
  3. Help the Men
  4. [46] Last Wish - Take the necklace to Marlow Rhodes at Calamus Manor

complete the above sequence to earn the title, I Know The Village Chief's Greatest Regret.
Continue with The Cost of Honor at Calamus Manor.

Sonora [Black Blood Merchant]

Rose Westwood [Black Blood Merchant]

  1. [48] Scorpion Tail Venom - Obtain Ic Scorpion Tail x10 from Mutated Sand Scorpion
  2. [47] The Power to Protect - Obtain Ic Weeping Wind Stone x10 from Wind Elementals
RoM Bar

Storm Pass[ | ]

Talida Shinre

  1. [46] Talida's Problem - Obtain Ic Bullfrog Leg Meat x10
  2. [46] Talida's Other Problem - Obtain Ic Crab Meat x10
RoM Bar

Calamus Manor[ | ]

Marlow Rhodes

The Treasure Trove of the Black Mary[ | ]

This content is located elsewhere. Click this icon to view/edit it where it lives. This is the continuation of the Primary Quest Line for this zone, which started at Nameless Port.
Dramatis Personae: Marlow RhodesAfellowCheney ChanepShikudeKainLorces

  1. [47] Suspicion - Check up on the Chanep brothers.
  2. [47] Mysterious Scroll - Confront Cheney Chanep
  3. [47] Pirates' Developing Agent - Get ingredients from Sailors' Graveyard
  4. [47] Written in Blood - Maybe Shikude can make sense of it
  5. [47] Truth? - You've been had.
  6. [47] Copy - Return to Cheney Chanep and get the truth out of him
  7. [47] Legacy of Inheritance - Listen to Kolodo
  8. [47] Pirate Appraiser - Return to Shikude and ask his help, again
  9. [47] Non-existent Clues - Take the parchment to Kain the Old Drunk
  10. [47] Ravenfell's Living History - buy some Ic Cheap Brown Ale x5 for Kain
  11. [47] Dirty Decryption Book - Find Kain's book
  12. [47] Good Drinks are Just the Start - buy some Ic Nobodies' Rum x5 for Kain
  13. [47] Big Lobster on the Sand Dunes - Find the Ic Lost Key
  14. [47] Truth-telling Liquor - buy some Ic Captain's Brandy x10 for Kain
  15. [47] Complimentary Guard - Find the Ic Silver Box
  16. [47] Truth on a Sheepskin Parchment - Listen to Kain's story
  17. [47] A Faithful Servant - Meet the guide at the Sailors' Graveyard
  18. [50][Group] Forgotten Son - Defeat Loyal Talomo in Treasure Trove and recover Ic Talomo's Remains.
  19. [50] Longing for Talomo - Take the Ic Necklace to Lorces

The Second Young Lady[ | ]

This content is located elsewhere. Click this icon to view/edit it where it lives. Dramatis Personae: Anna ZillyDessigon DizYaniha BimeyDerek AliSonoraRose Westwood
unlocked when you complete The Cost of Honor

  1. [47] Entrusted by Anna - Deliver a letter to Dessigon Diz.
  2. [47] Secret Treasure Box - Dig up the box she was given.
  3. [47] Yaniha Bimey, the Craftsman - Get the box opened.
  4. [47] Fantastic Material - Get materials to help open the box.
  5. [47] Letter for Pannisa - Show the letter to Dessigon.
  6. [47] Buying Information - Pay for leads.
  7. [47] Two Birds With One Stone - Confront Sonora/Lanarus.
  8. [47] Transaction - Bring Ic Yellow Crystal x10
  9. [47] Pearl Earrings - Find the lost Ic Pearl Earrings
  10. [47] Vivian - Pick Vivian's favorite flowers.
  11. [47] Ice Crystal Necklace - Inform Anna of Vivian's promise.
RoM Bar

Sailors' Graveyard[ | ]

Yaniha Bimey

  1. [49] Burying the Hatchet? - Ask Rotten-nose Porgy "Why can't we all just get along?".
  2. [49] Deciphering Witchcraft - Get Ic Vulture Feather x10 and Ic Heat of the WOlf King


  1. [50][Group] Forgotten Son - Defeat Loyal Talomo in Treasure Trove and recover Ic Talomo's Remains.
  2. [50] Longing for Talomo - Take the Ic Necklace to Lorces
RoM Bar

Abandoned Fortress[ | ]


Crafting Stations:

by POIQuestsMobs
Treasure Trove Access Series
  1. [46] Picking on Chickens - Kill a Chicken.
  2. [46] A Simple Weeding Job - Kill 10 Dry Demon Weed.
  3. [46] Fishing? - Kill 10 Tsunami Scealok.
  4. [48] Breakthrough in Reputation - Kill many Shadowmoon Pirates.
  5. [48] Foul-mouthed Cudder - Kill Foul-mouthed Cudder.
Treacherous Masheg
  1. [47] The Cold Truth of Betrayal - Use torture to learn the truth.
  2. [47] Mystery Juice - Extract Ic Demon Weed Juice x6
  3. [47] Scorpion Pupa Surprise! - Gather Ic Deadly Poison Powder x8
  4. [47] Eradicate the Traitors - Death is a fair reward for traitors...
  5. [48] A Nice Surprise - Curse Rotten-nose Porgy
Nauseating Lanait
  1. [47] Tasty Worms? - Get Ic Fat Worm x10.
  2. [47] Fruit of Angels - Get Ic Angel Fruit x8.
  3. [47] Giant Wolf Poop - Get Ic Giant Wolf Dropping x8.
  4. [48] Sand Scorpion Neep - Kill Neep.
  5. [48] Delivery Cart, a good disguise? - Steal Ic Porgy's Lucky Egg.
Lame AysusGrace
  1. [47] Burn it up! - Put out the fire within 3 minutes (or die)!.
  2. [47] Home Delivery - See Grace.
  3. [47] Take the Mulled Wine to Old Sajjid - Deliver the wine.
  4. [47] Give this Bottle to Aysus - Deliver a bottle.
  5. [47] Can Pirates Hunt? - Get Ic Wasteland Skipper Wing x8 within 20 minutes.
  6. [48] First-aid Expert - Get a Certification from the Benevolent Wandering Doctor.
  7. [48] Emergency Rescue - Rescue 10 Ic Small Crabs from the Shadowmoon Pirates.
Sloppy Chef ColeBrave Bill
  1. [49] Hunting Brave Bill - Find a way into Treasure Trove and find Brave Bill just inside the entrance.
  2. [50][Group] Make a Bet With Brave Bill - Kill Black Sail Pirates in Treasure Trove

Item-triggered: Ic Letter

The Curse of the Black Mary[ | ]

Dramatis Personae: Kondos WhiskeyKabuki TabukiLosa Habi

  1. [47] Candace's Gold Coins - Ask about the cursed gold coins.
  2. Gather the Cursed Coins:
  3. [47] Let The Wind Break Down Trouble - Sacrifice the cursed coins at Throne of the Wind.
  4. [47] Sorry, You Dropped Something - You didn't think it was that easy to remove a curse, did you?
  5. [47] The Reason Behind the Gold Coins - Trade the "cursed" coins to a researcher.

Derek Ali - Continues after Two Birds With One Stone

  1. [47] Holy Cosmetics - Gather Ic Mystic Essence x10 from Deadland Sand Scorpions

Seguchi Pierre

  1. [49] Another Treasure - Buy his cut for Ic Phirius Token Coin x20
  2. [49] The Treasure Burial Place - Take the shell to Giani Charlize
  3. [49] Lost Heirloom - Retrieve Ic Heirloom Jade Pendant from a Chelon nest.
  4. [48] Cursed Dion - Kill Crooked-brow Dion
  5. [48] Annoying Whispering - Find Will Alian
  6. [48] Injured Chelons - Put the salve in the Drying Haystack

Breda Slovak

  1. [50][Group] Ring and Revenge - Find the Ic Ring of the Rhodes in the Treasure Trove

Kain - unlocked by [48] Truth on a Sheepskin Parchment

Morgan Chedwick


Cooke Dast

  1. [50] Lookout Luke - Collect a debt and listen to a tale
  2. [50][Group] Cursed Compass - Get Luke's Ic Cursed Compass from inside the Treasure Trove


Dailies[ | ]

Abandoned Fortress Bulletin Board or Daily Quest Manager - Daily Quests

RoM Bar

Throne of the Wind[ | ]

Femini's Spirit

Sange Lede

  1. [49] Helping Sange's Research - Obtain Ic Wind Element Ball x10
  2. [49] Lost Book - Fetch a book from camp
  3. [49] Where is the Research Book? - take the book back to Sange Lede
  4. [49] Rune of Wind - Deliver the Ic Wind Rune to Bisa Anma.
  5. [49] A Secret Transaction - Return the Ic Mysterious Cloth Bag to Sange Lede.

The Legend of Black Swordsman[ | ]

This content is located elsewhere. Click this icon to view/edit it where it lives. Dramatis Personae: Gunefo Maddis [Ailic's Community] • Big Dennis [Ailic's Community] • Kabuki TabukiLosa HabiPirates' Chest

  1. [48] Instrument Recovery - recover the three recording crystals
  2. [48] Strange Man in a Black Cloak - Ask Big Dennis about the legend
  3. [48] Forward to the Abandoned Fortress - Deliver the letter to Kabuki Tabuki
  4. [48] Stolen Merchandise - Recover Ic Crystal Lens x12 on Shadowmoon Cove
  5. [48] Sailor's Warning - Give the message to the researchers at Throne of the Wind Ailic's Community
  6. [48] Defensive Preparation - Help Black Swordsman by collecting Ic Essence of Wasteland Skipper x10.
  7. [48] Witness - Fire the Message Arrow and witness the battle.
  8. [48] Reason for Wearing the Black Cloak - Listen to Dennis' explanation.
  9. [48] Insipid Return - Tell Uncle Colobian the truth.
  10. [48] Barter - Take the Phase Shifter to Kabuki Tabuki.
  11. [49] Emergency! - Find Miffy Riley and save her.
  12. [49] Saving Miffy - Protect Miffy while she gets out of the box.
  13. [50] The Black Swordsman's Sword - Kill Huck on Shadowmoon Cove and bring the Ic Decorated Long Sword back to Colobian Carter
RoM Bar

Shackle Coast[ | ]

Ecology Research Team[ | ]

Shackle Coast Ecology Research Team quest chain: Majoshat OleyBuruk WrightToodaNanum AlluyaVillain SobastAborjai AdetOndas ChanepAnna Zilly

  1. [48] Sweet Essence - Refill the three dispensers
    1. [48] Faulty Equipment - Ask Majoshat what can be done
    2. [48] The Dispenser Agent - Tell Buruk Wright that Starlight (Object) needs to be fixed... again.
    3. [48] Dispenser Repair Guy - Take the part and fix Starlight (Object).
  2. [48] Old Lady Turtle - Deliver the book to Tooda
  3. [49] Stolen Book - Recover Tooda's book from the Shadowmoon Pirates
  4. [49] Links in a Chain - Ask innkeeper Nanum Alluya about the people who took Tooda's necklace
  5. [49] A Drunkard's Trail - Find Villain Sobast
  6. [49] A Gangsta's Honesty - Accuse Nanum Alluya
  7. [49] Price of a Necklace - Obtain Ic Mutated Sand Scorpion Pincers x6
  8. [49] Necklace or Pocket Watch? - Seek Aborjai Adet
  9. [49] Pocket Watch Power - Obtain Ic Wind Elemental Crystal Nuclei x5
  10. [49] Secret of the Pocket Watch - Aborjai shows you the hidden compartment with a portrait
  11. [49] Every Picture Tells a Story - Obtain Ic Wind Elemental Crystal Nuclei x5
  12. [49] Another Clue - Show the picture to Ondas Chanep
  13. [49] Chanep's First Task - Fetch water
  14. [49] Chanep's Second Task - Harvest peas
  15. [49] Chanep's Third Task - Take a letter to Anna Zilly
  16. [49] Anna's Plans - Take her response back to Ondas
  17. [49] The Truth of the Picture - Learn the identities of the people in the portrait

Will Alian

  • [48] Water Plant - Haute Quisine? - Gather Ic Shallow Water Reed x10
RoM Bar

Shadowmoon Cove[ | ]

Object-Triggered: Touch Sandbank Drybone to summon Ely Nausicaa

Item-Triggered: Ic Appendix of Ecological Facts, Part 3 (dropped by a Shadowmoon Pirate)

Ghost Town[ | ]

Pada Teo

  1. [48] Making Mouthwatering Morsels - Get Ic Hyena Meat x6
  2. [48] Clean Water - Get Ic Bottle of Clean Water
  3. [48] A Little Something Extra - Get Ic Blackwinged Raven Meat x6

Chachi Waka

RoM Bar

Black Sail Camp[ | ]

This is the entrance to the Treasure Trove. Quests that ask you to go there are scattered all over this page, so we will list them again here.

The Treasure Trove[ | ]

Kain - at Abandoned Fortress

Kelt - at Abandoned Fortress

Breda Slovak - in Abandoned Fortress

  • [50][Group] Ring and Revenge - Find Ic Ring of the Rhodes Family

Morgan Chadwick - in Abandoned Fortress

Cooke Dast - in Abandoned Fortress

  • [50][Group] Cursed Compass - Find Ic Look Luke's Cursed Compass

Megiddo - in Abandoned Fortress

Lorces - at Sailors' Graveyard

  1. [50][Group] Forgotten Son - Find Ic Talomo's Remains
  2. [50] Longing for Talomo - Take the Ic Necklace to Lorces

Brave Bill - in Treasure Trove

Peliak - in Treasure Trove

ZAM Network Credits
This page contains content originally from or based on wiki content at ZAM Network.
Referenced Page Location: (RoM Quest Series)
RoM Bar