Runes of Magic Wiki

Most mobs in Splitwater Coast can drop any of the following items, in addition to Health Potions, Mana Potions, Ammunition, Production Runes, and Festival Items. Usually this is Common and Normal items, but may also include a few Good items.

The loot listed on this table will also drop from mobs in Bone Peak.

Consumables[ | ]

Health Potions and Mana Potions that drop within a zone are usually for sale by at least one merchant in that zone.

Potion Merchants:

Ammunition[ | ]

Ammunition that drops within a zone are usually for sale by at least one merchant in that zone.

General Merchants:

Bone Peak bosses only

Runes[ | ]

Raw Materials[ | ]

Armor[ | ]

Cloth[ | ]

Slot Normal Good
Shoulders Veiled Mist Harbor Cloth Shoulderpads Rare Veiled Mist Harbor Cloth Shoulderpads
Upper Body Veiled Mist Harbor Cloth Robe Rare Veiled Mist Harbor Cloth Robe
Lower Body Veiled Mist Harbor Long Trousers Rare Veiled Mist Harbor Long Trousers

Leather[ | ]

Slot Normal Good
Shoulders Crepuscular Grotto Leather Shoulderpads Rare Crepuscular Grotto Leather Shoulderpads
Upper Body Crepuscular Grotto Leather Armor Rare Crepuscular Grotto Leather Armor
Lower Body Crepuscular Grotto Leather Leggings Rare Crepuscular Grotto Leather Leggings

Chain[ | ]

Slot Normal Good
Shoulders Cape of Veiled Mist Chainmail Shoulder Guards Rare Cape of Veiled Mist Chainmail Shoulder Guards
Upper Body Cape of Veiled Mist Chainmail Armor Rare Cape of Veiled Mist Chainmail Armor
Lower Body Cape of Veiled Mist Leg Protectors Rare Cape of Veiled Mist Leg Protectors

Plate[ | ]

Slot Normal Good
Shoulders South Willow Manor Shoulderplates Rare South Willow Manor Shoulderplates
Upper Body South Willow Manor Plate Armor Rare South Willow Manor Plate Armor
Lower Body South Willow Manor Leg Protectors Rare South Willow Manor Leg Protectors

Weapons[ | ]

Type Normal (93)
Treasure Table 721190
Good (94)
Treasure Table 721192
Dagger Black Dungeon Dirk Rare Black Dungeon Dirk
Sword Brinewind Castle Legion Blade Rare Brinewind Castle Legion Blade
2-H Sword Silver Long Sword of the Coast Rare Silver Long Sword of the Coast
Hammer Splitwater Hammer Rare Splitwater Hammer
2-H Hammer Golden Hammer of the Crucible Golden Hammer of the Crucible Rare Golden Hammer of the Crucible Rare Golden Hammer of the Crucible
Axe Mudwater Monster Axe Rare Mudwater Monster Axe
2-H Axe Mustang Axe of Veiled Mist Harbor Rare Mustang Axe of Veiled Mist Harbor
Bow Thorn Bow of Port Shard Rare Thorn Bow of Port Shard
Crossbow Chalk Canyon Hunting Crossbow Rare Chalk Canyon Hunting Crossbow
Wand Runic Mission Wand Rare Runic Mission Wand
Staff Silver Cinnamon Forest Wand Rare Silver Cinnamon Forest Wand
Shield item name needed item name needed
Talisman item name needed item name needed

Drops listed on this page should be considered exemplary, not exhaustive. I am sure you will find drops in this zone that are not on this list but should be. Try to avoid drops that come from only a list of mobs and not everyone, but if you find one that should be on this page, please feel free to send a message to an admin or just edit this page and add it yourself.
