Runes of Magic Wiki

Uses currently equiped items.

/Script UseEquipmentItem(equipmentslotid)

Parameters[ | ]

Arguments[ | ]

number - The equipment slot number ie. 10 = ranged weapon

Returns[ | ]


Example[ | ]

Uses currently equiped items, slot 10 is ranged weapon slot. If you have the Rune Catapult bow using this code will give you a stack of Runic Thorn arrows.

/Script UseEquipmentItem(10)

If you are feared and have a PvP Glove in your inventory, you can unfear yourself with

/Script UseEquipmentItem(1)

after the glove was equipped.

There is also a level 62 cape for getting full rage

/run itn="Umhang der Kühnheit von Aoth";for i=1,240,1 do _,un,_,_=GetGoodsItemInfo(i);if un==itn then uid=i;break end end
/run UseItemByName(itn);
/wait 0.3
/run UseEquipmentItem(5);
/wait 0.4
/run UseBagItem(uid);

You have to translate the german description into you native UI language, though

Notes[ | ]

--++ Lisa ++--
