Runes of Magic Wiki

Description[ | ]

Gets information about the learned Item-Set Skills.

local name, texture, index = GetSuitSkill_List(class, num)

Parameters[ | ]

Arguments[ | ]

The number of the class for which to check the skills (warrior = 1, scout = 2, rogue = 3, mage = 4, priest = 5, knight = 6, warden = 7, druid = 8, warlock = 9, champion = 10, common skills = 11).
The number of the skill to be checked. Only learned skills, count starts at 0.

Returns[ | ]

Name of the skill, nil if not learned yet.
The path to the dds-texture of this skill (interface\icons\skill_panel_icons\*.dds), nil if not learned yet.
An unknown index, maybe the order in which the skills were learned? Returns nil if skill not learned yet.

Example[ | ]

If you have learned a common skill, then this will work:

local name, texture, index = GetSuitSkill_List(9, 0)
DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("name: " .. name .. ", texture: " .. texture .. ", index: " .. index)