Runes of Magic Wiki


What about the yellows? This seems like it would be the logical place for those too. Without them in the list, I don't even know the names of most of them. --Zsaz1029 05:27, 28 October 2009 (UTC)

Complete list[]

I have compiled a complete list of the Lost, Imprisonment, Competition and Temple stats. I just need help adding them to the page.

Name Stat 1 Stat 2 Moon of the Lost VII +47 Dexterity +305 Maximum HP Diamond of the Lost VII +47 Dexterity +104 Physical Attack Fury of the Lost VII +47 Dexterity +221 Magical Defense Rage of the Lost VII +47 Dexterity +221 Defense Seal of the Lost VII +47 Dexterity +104 Magical Attack Heart of the Lost VII +47 Intelligence +47 Stamina Soul of the Lost VII +47 Intelligence +104 Magical Attack Earth of the Lost VII +47 Intelligence +221 Magical Defense Ability of the Lost VII +47 Intelligence +305 Maximum MP Spirit of the Lost VII +47 Intelligence +47 Wisdom Strike of the Lost VII +47 Intelligence +221 Defense Origin of the Lost VII +47 Stamina +305 Maximum HP Tear of the Lost VII +47 Stamina +221 Defense Stone of the Lost VII +47 Stamina +221 Magical Defense Wing of the Lost VII +47 Stamina +305 Maximum MP Light of the Lost VII +47 Stamina +47 Dexterity Day of the Lost VII +47 Stamina +104 Physical Attack Power of the Lost VII +47 Strength +104 Physical Attack Blood of the Lost VII +47 Strength +47 Stamina Fire of the Lost VII +47 Strength +305 Maximum HP Water of the Lost VII +47 Strength +104 Magical Attack Wind of the Lost VII +47 Strength +221 Defense Scale of the Lost VII +47 Strength +47 Dexterity Mark of the Lost VII +47 Strength +221 Magical Defense Core of the Lost VII +47 Wisdom +305 Maximum MP Flame of the Lost VII +47 Wisdom +104 Magical Attack Secret of the Lost VII +47 Wisdom +305 Maximum HP Sea of Imprisonment VIII +114 Magical Attack +370 Maximum MP Lake of Imprisonment VIII +114 Magical Attack +313 Magical Defense Barbarity of Imprisonment VIII +114 Magical Attack +313 Defense Agility of Imprisonment VIII +114 Physical Attack +370 Maximum HP Diamond of Imprisonment VIII +57 Dexterity +114 Physical Attack Moon of Imprisonment VIII +57 Dexterity +370 Maximum HP Swiftness of Imprisonment VIII +57 Dexterity +370 Maximum MP Ability of Imprisonment VIII +57 Intelligence +370 Maximum MP Soul of Imprisonment VIII +57 Intelligence +114 Magical Attack Earth of Imprisonment VIII +57 Intelligence +313 Magical Defense Illusion of Imprisonment VIII +57 Intelligence +370 Maximum HP Light of Imprisonment VIII +57 Stamina +57 Dexterity Day of Imprisonment VIII +57 Stamina +114 Physical Attack Frost of Imprisonment VIII +57 Stamina +57 Wisdom Illumination of Imprisonment VIII +57 Stamina +114 Physical Attack Essence of Imprisonment VIII +57 Stamina +57 Dexterity Wing of Imprisonment VIII +57 Stamina +370 Maximum MP Snow of Imprisonment VIII +57 Stamina +57 Wisdom Power of Imprisonment VIII +57 Strength +114 Physical Attack Fire of Imprisonment VIII +57 Strength +370 Maximum HP Scale of Imprisonment VIII +57 Strength +57 Dexterity Breakthrough of Imprisonment VIII +57 Strength +57 Wisdom Flame of Imprisonment VIII +57 Wisdom +114 Magical Attack Secret of Imprisonment VIII +57 Wisdom +370 Maximum HP Valiance of Imprisonment VIII +57 Wisdom +114 Physical Attack Aid of Competition VIII +165 Magical Attack +429 Maximum HP Breakthrough of Competition VIII +165 Magical Attack +363 Defense Transformation of Competition VIII +165 Physical Attack +363 Defense Star of Competition VIII +165 Physical Attack +363 Magical Defense Forest of Competition VIII +165 Physical Attack +165 Magical Attack Tree of Competition VIII +429 Maximum MP +363 Defense Swiftness of Competition VIII +66 Dexterity +429 Maximum HP Triumph of Competition VIII +66 Dexterity +363 Defense Strength of Competition VIII +66 Dexterity +165 Physical Attack Wind of Competition VIII +66 Dexterity +165 Magical Attack Demon of Competition VIII +66 Intelligence +165 Magical Attack Spell of Competition VIII +66 Intelligence +66 Stamina Void of Competition VIII +66 Intelligence +429 Maximum HP Illusion of Competition VIII +66 Intelligence +363 Magical Defense Soul of Competition VIII +66 Intelligence +363 Defense Guardian of Competition VIII +66 Stamina +165 Physical Attack Guard of Competition VIII +66 Stamina +66 Dexterity Protection of Competition VIII +66 Stamina +363 Defense River of Competition VIII +66 Stamina +363 Magical Defense Water of Competition VIII +66 Stamina +429 Maximum MP Poison of Competition VIII +66 Stamina +66 Wisdom Ability of Competition VIII +66 Strength +165 Physical Attack Power of Competition VIII +66 Strength +66 Dexterity Fire of Competition VIII +66 Strength +66 Stamina Assault of Competition VIII +66 Strength +363 Defense Defense of Competition VIII +66 Strength +429 Maximum HP Day of Competition VIII +66 Strength +363 Magical Defense Moon of Competition VIII +66 Strength +66 Wisdom Secret of Competition VIII +66 Wisdom +165 Magical Attack Skill of Competition VIII +66 Wisdom +429 Maximum HP Complement of Competition VIII +66 Wisdom +363 Magical Defense Spirit of Competition VIII +66 Wisdom +363 Defense Spirit of the Temple VIII +190 Magical Attack +418 Magical Defense Sea of the Temple VIII +190 Magical Attack +494 Maximum HP Transformation of the Temple VIII +190 Physical Attack +418 Defense Core of the Temple VIII +190 Physical Attack +494 Maximum HP Stone of the Temple VIII +190 Physical Attack +494 Maximum MP Breakthrough of the Temple VIII +190 Physical Attack +190 Magical Attack Star of the Temple VIII +418 Defense +418 Magical Defense Complement of the Temple VIII +494 Maximum HP 418 Magical Defense Moon of the Temple VIII +494 Maximum HP +494 Maximum MP Mystery of the Temple VIII +494 Maximum HP +418 Defense Water of the Temple VIII +494 Maximum MP +418 Magical Defense Swiftness of the Temple VIII +76 Dexterity +494 Maximum HP Triumph of the Temple VIII +76 Dexterity +190 Physical Attack Strength of the Temple VIII +76 Dexterity +418 Magical Defense Heart of the Temple VIII +76 Dexterity +418 Defense Justice of the Temple VIII +76 Dexterity +190 Magical Attack Strike of the Temple VIII +76 Dexterity +494 Maximum MP Demon of the Temple VIII +76 Intelligence +190 Magical Attack Spell of the Temple VIII +76 Intelligence +76 Stamina Void of the Temple VIII +76 Intelligence +418 Defense Illusion of the Temple VIII +76 Intelligence +418 Magical Defense Ice of the Temple VIII +76 Intelligence +494 Maximum MP Frost of the Temple VIII +76 Intelligence +494 Maximum HP Chill of the Temple VIII +76 Intelligence +76 Wisdom Mountain of the Temple VIII +76 Intelligence +76 Strength Woods of the Temple VIII +76 Intelligence +76 Dexterity Forest of the Temple VIII +76 Intelligence +190 Physical Attack Guardian of the Temple VIII +76 Stamina +190 Physical Attack Guard of the Temple VIII +76 Stamina +76 Dexterity Protection of the Temple VIII +76 Stamina +418 Defense Defense of the Temple VIII +76 Stamina +494 Maximum MP Destruction of the Temple VIII +76 Stamina +76 Wisdom Annihilation of the Temple VIII +76 Stamina +494 Maximum HP Day of the Temple VIII +76 Stamina +418 Magical Defense Light of the Temple VIII +76 Stamina +190 Magical Attack Ability of the Temple VIII +76 Strength +190 Physical Attack Power of the Temple VIII +76 Strength +76 Dexterity Fire of the Temple VIII +76 Strength +418 Magical Defense Assault of the Temple VIII +76 Strength +494 Maximum HP Fury of the Temple VIII +76 Strength +76 Stamina Wind of the Temple VIII +76 Strength +418 Defense Weeds of the Temple VIII +76 Strength +418 Magical Defense Barbarity of the Temple VIII +76 Strength +76 Wisdom Fragment of the Temple VIII +76 Strength +190 Magical Attack Secret of the Temple VIII +76 Wisdom +190 Magical Attack Skill of the Temple VIII +76 Wisdom +494 Maximum HP Aid of the Temple VIII +76 Wisdom +418 Defense Cold of the Temple VIII +76 Wisdom +418 Magical Defense Tide of the Temple VIII +76 Wisdom +190 Physical Attack Lake of the Temple VIII +76 Wisdom +76 Dexterity Here is a link to my spreadsheet: Again, if someone wouldn't mind helping me add these to the wiki, that would be great... gotta format all of that, though. Raw text just won't do. --AngryMochi 10:27, 14 November 2010 (UTC)

Old or new format[]

I'm not fond of the new format, i don't find it very easy to read. I'm not keen on the old format either but it's more readable then the new format proposal

Added Stats[]

Just wanted to mention I added a Bunch more Oranges to the list...It seemed a bit lacking. Definatly didn't get them all, but Its about all I found in the Auction house :(

--Simman 05:47, 29 September 2011 (UTC)

Hero stats[]

I added a section for Hero stats and corrected some mistakes in the Glorious section. If you guys see any mistakes in the Hero section, make sure to correct it!
